Equipping the Saints: 2012 Wednesday Night Focus Training Blocks
Witnessing Training January-February
o Witnessing Continuum
o Sharing the Gospel
o Becoming a Contagious Christian
o Effective Altar Call Ministry
Entreating Visitors & Strangers March-April
o Greeters/Ushers
o Church
A Purpose Driven Life May-June
Raising Up Godly Children July-August
Maturing in the Faith September-October
o Fruit of the Spirit
o Gifts of the Spirit
o Heaven is Real
Enlarge Our Territory November-December
o Mission at home
o Mission abroad
o Witnessing Continuum
o Sharing the Gospel
o Becoming a Contagious Christian
o Effective Altar Call Ministry
Entreating Visitors & Strangers March-April
o Greeters/Ushers
o Church
A Purpose Driven Life May-June
Raising Up Godly Children July-August
Maturing in the Faith September-October
o Fruit of the Spirit
o Gifts of the Spirit
o Heaven is Real
Enlarge Our Territory November-December
o Mission at home
o Mission abroad