Music and Arts
Music is a powerful element of our worship and praise to God. The Bible teaches to sing unto the Lord and to play skillfully on our instruments. The Bible instructs us to speak to ourselves in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in our hearts unto the Lord. We should give thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Music and singing express the feelings of the heart. Songs minister to the heart. Songs open the heart for the Word of God
We have anointed music for worship service and special services. We have a music program that can reach all ages. We have singers and musicians that are anointed to sing and play unto the Lord and can lead in spiritual warfare. We continually improve our musical skills to bring honor to the Lord.
We have anointed music for worship service and special services. We have a music program that can reach all ages. We have singers and musicians that are anointed to sing and play unto the Lord and can lead in spiritual warfare. We continually improve our musical skills to bring honor to the Lord.